If getting pregnant has been a challenge for you and your partner, you're not alone. 10 to 15 percent of couples in India are infertile.
Infertility is defined as the inability of a person to reproduce by natural means.
Infertility in women is caused due to:
At Holypills Homeopathy Infertility clinic we offer homeopathic medicine such that it helps transform the unhealthy reproductive organ to healthy one. This helps conception.
Homeopathy looks at your health holistically recognising that all aspects of your existence are interconnected. Some of your mental and emotional states of mind can affect your body in a detrimental way and will often manifest in the form of an energetic block leading to an illness. Such emotional blocks and negative states of mind can also prevent conception. Maybe there are high expectations from your family? Perhaps a miscarriage or a bad experience during a previous birth or pregnancy has led you to fear subsequent pregnancy? You might also be leading a stressful life style, which has affected you physically and emotionally leading to, for example, irregular or painful periods. Homeopathy is invaluable in addressing such blocks to fertility at both the physical and emotional levels
Homeopathic treatment addresses the causes of symptoms and works on bringing the body back to balance, thus having a profound effect on your entire endocrine system. There are many remedies which will help to regulate menstrual cycles, bring back ovulation or improve sperm count and motility. Appropriate remedies will be selected for you and your partner as part of this fertility treatment plan.
If PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids or polyps are preventing you from conceiving, they will also be treated effectively, as part of this fertility plan.
Homeopathic Infertility Treatment has proved to be particularly effective in addressing the side effects of the contraceptive pill including, among others: weight gain, lack of ovulation, irregular menses, candida, benign breast lumps or apathy. This fertility plan will address any of the side effects, which may prevent you from conceiving.
At Holypills clinic we select homeopathic medicine such that it helps transform the unhealthy reproductive organ to healthy one. This helps conception.
Dr. Ila Kathuria Best doctor for infertility treatment in Delhi and noida with more then 30 year of experiacne and helped couples to build family by her Inefrtility treatment options with high success rate.